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Blogtober 2018

  2 minute read

Blogtober 2018 posts

What is Blogtober?

Blogtober is a challenge where you pledge to write one blog post a day for each of they thirty-one days of October. I guess it was designed by someone with too much time on their hands.

I want to do it this year because:

  • I have an ever-expanding list of 20+ post ideas that I never get round to writing
  • I take too long to write a post, agonising over my words. I want to be able to get content out quicker and I imagine this challenge will help me improve at this.
  • Practice makes perfect and I want to get better at writing blog posts.

My posts will cover the same subjects that they have over the last few months: explaining code snippets or tricks in CSS, JavaScript and other tools I use daily as a frontend web developer. I might start doing more opinion-based posts too.

Let’s see if I can keep it up!