Dev Diary Entry, 13th November 2019
I was on someone’s personal site a while back, and in the footer alongside their social links it said “This website does not track you” - i.e. there isn’t any Google Analytics, etc. I suppose they pointed this out because they were proud of it, but I personally wouldn’t turn the tracking analytics off my own website. I like the data too much and I think it’s useful and interesting to see what pages are being hit.
- I posted a short post about the difference between using the spacebar and enter key when navigating a website using the keyboard - mostly to remind myself of their roles as I always forget.
- I realised that I find it difficult to come up with short succinct titles for technical blog posts 😅
- I started a website for a friend’s business idea. I think I’ll use Wordpress because they’ll want to add their own content. I have very minimal experience with Wordpress so far which will make it a fun project.
- Everything You Need to Know About Date in JavaScript - sometimes CSS Tricks posts are more comprehensive and useful than MDN. MDN and CSS Tricks are my go-to resources for frontend knowledge.